Fenugreek Seed

Fenugreek seed is the ripe fruit of an annual herb. This robust herb has light green leaves, is 30-60 cm tall and produces slender, beaked pods, 10-15 cm long, each pod contains 10-20 small hard yellowish brown seeds, which are smooth and oblong, about 3mm long, each grooved across one corner, giving them a hooked appearance. Fenugreek is a native of South Eastern Europe and West Asia, now cultivated in India, Argentina, Egypt and Mediterranean countries (Southern France, Morocco and Lebanon).

The health benefits of fenugreek include relief from anemia, loss of taste, fever, dandruff, stomach disorders, biliousness, respiratory disorders, mouth ulcers, sore throat, diabetes, inflammations, wounds and insomnia. ...

Fenugreek is an annual plant that is also known as methi in many places of the world.

He European herb fenugreek has been used for centuries as a cooking spice and has been used in folk medicine for almost as long.


Type: Machine cleaned/Machine cleaned Sortexed /
Purity: 97% / 98% /99%
Odour: Celery and bitter
Moisture: 5% to 7% max
Green Seeds 2% max
Total ASH: 10% Max
Acid insuluble ASH: 1.25% max
Flavour: Aromatic sweet
Salmonella: Absent / 25 gms